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Computer-generated image of many empty cubicles from above

The widespread use of digital applications generates large amounts of information, which can also be used for surveillance and control. What new mechanisms of surveillance are emerging, what new forms of visibility? And for what types of politics are they being used or misused?

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Digital artwork reminiscent of display error patterns

Glitches are unexpected and often incidental disruptions in digital systems. But they are not purely technical issues. Frequently, they reveal how heavily societal processes rely on the smooth functioning of digital machines. As such, glitches can offer new or surprising perspectives on the changing relationship between society and digital technology.

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Closeup of a stack of compact discs

Digital technologies are transforming how we produce knowledge and process information. And the application of digital technologies changes methods and perspectives of social science research. However, as they reshape our view of the world, digital knowledge and knowledge production are also controversial and contested.

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Closeup of shattering patterns on a screen

Digital transformations change power relations and mechanisms of control and surveillance. Resistance can mean withdrawing from digital networks, but also appropriating digital technology, rethinking it, and using it to create spaces of resistance.

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Computer-generated image of many empty cubicles from above

The widespread use of digital applications generates large amounts of information, which can also be used for surveillance and control. What new mechanisms of surveillance are emerging, what new forms of visibility? And for what types of politics are they being used or misused?

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Digital artwork reminiscent of display error patterns

Glitches are unexpected and often incidental disruptions in digital systems. But they are not purely technical issues. Frequently, they reveal how heavily societal processes rely on the smooth functioning of digital machines. As such, glitches can offer new or surprising perspectives on the changing relationship between society and digital technology.

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Closeup of a stack of compact discs

Digital technologies are transforming how we produce knowledge and process information. And the application of digital technologies changes methods and perspectives of social science research. However, as they reshape our view of the world, digital knowledge and knowledge production are also controversial and contested.

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Closeup of shattering patterns on a screen

Digital transformations change power relations and mechanisms of control and surveillance. Resistance can mean withdrawing from digital networks, but also appropriating digital technology, rethinking it, and using it to create spaces of resistance.

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