grid ist ein neues Magazin, das sich mit dem Verhältnis von Gesellschaft, Raum und digitaler Technik auseinandersetzt. Wir eröffnen Einblicke in aktuelle Forschung und wissenschaftliche Praxis. Für Forschende, Studierende und andere Menschen, die sich für die räumlichen Dimensionen des digitalen Wandels interessieren. Weiterlesen →
Expanding digital connectivity and services has become a key political priority. At the same time, digital technologies are contested, raising concerns around inequality, surveillance, exploitation, and exclusion. "Disentangling" refers to the social practices and spatial strategies used to resist these trends by severing digital connections.
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A 'glitch' is an unexpected disruption in a digital systems. Originally a technical term, it has inspired researchers to consider glitches as an entry point for critique and intervention. At the 2023 Digital Geography conference in Mainz, panelists discussed the potential and limitations of glitch as a conceptual lens.
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